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Robert Pollack

 First of all I would like to thank my Lord Jesus Christ for all the music he has put in my heart and for the provisions to complete this labor of love CD "Good Morning Lord".


 It's all about Jesus, and not about me, "But since this is a Bio I will tell you a little bit about myself.  Born in Oakland California, sixty nine years ago,  the thrteenth child of a family of fifteen and was raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  I graduated from Albuquerque High School in Nineteen sixty Three, joined the Air Force shortly there after, and spent 20 years with a time in Vietnam.  I now live in Alamogordo, New Mexico.


I received the Lord, Novenber 2th Ninteen Eighty.  I was set free from smoking and drinking, which I had done since the age of nine.  I taught myself to play the guitar.  God told me that if i wrote songs to glorify him that he would bless the music.  This CD is one of a long line of blessings from his hand.  God is good;  He's worthy to be praised!


All the glory, all the praise and all the blessings go to my Father and King, Lord Jesus Christ.  One thing I know for sure is, whether I live or die, I belong to Jesus, because all belongs to him. 

God Is Good He's Worthy To Be Praised - Robert Pollack
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I Start By Praising Him - Robert Pollack
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In The Morning When I Wake UP - Robert Pollack
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